If you would like further information about anything about Surrey Chapel, or any of our events or groups, please do get in touch. You can…
Phone us on 01603 619555
Email Surrey Chapel Office
Write to us at :
Surrey Chapel,
2-6 Botolph Street,
Want to meet up?
We would love to meet you personally! Please feel free to contact any of our team:
Andy Rees (Pastor) andy@surreychapel.org.uk
Gary Ryan (Pastor) gary@surreychapel.org.uk
Bev Dubberley (Discipler & Evangelist) bev@surreychapel.org.uk
Annie Creed (Head of Children’s & Youth Work) youth@surreychapel.org.uk
Alison Dyer or Rob Varley (Student Team) students@surreychapel.org.uk
You can also keep up to date with what’s happening at Surrey Chapel online:
Why not follow us: www.twitter.com/surreychapel
Follow @surreychapel
All of our Sunday sermons are available through our Sermon Catalogue or you can subscribe to our Podcast here